According to Laptop Mag, which spoke to Jeff Meredith, Lenovo's VP, Lenovo is working on a Chrome OS variant of the tablet. Currently, there are two versions of the Yoga Book available. You can get it running Windows 10 or Android 6.0 Marshmallow. The upcoming Chrome OS one will apparently support its "Real Pen" stylus, which also allows owners to write on the tablet's keyboard - a flat, pressure-sensitive surface - so that scribbles can be instantly digitised.
In our review of the Yoga Book, we called it one of the most exciting tech products we've seen in some time. But it’s also convoluted. It has limited power, some typing bugs, and simply awful recharging speed, all of which are significant marks in making this device practical for everyday use. Nevertheless, Lenovo said it's had "a lot of interest” in Chrome OS, so it makes sense for the company to release a variant for the platform.
Lenovo hasn't said when exactly we can expect the new Yoga Book. But keep in mind Google has been updating Chrome OS to better support touch, and it's rolling out the ability for select Chrome OS machines to run Android apps.
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